Have a Little Faith

3 06 2013

When you venture into the unknown, trust yourself and believe that there’s great blessing heading your way:

~ by Jonathan Fields

Endless Possibilities

15 07 2010

Today I watched as ants crawled across the ground and into a gully that must look overwhelming to them and labored to the other side. Yet all it would take is a tiny bit of help from me, and they could cross that span in seconds with no effort. But they have no idea I’m even there or what I’m capable of or that I’m willing to help.

Even the ants who are aware I’m there don’t comprehend the vastness and power of me. They crawl over parts of me or climb across the bridge I make of my hand, but do they ever see all of me? And if they did, would they know who or what I am? Or would they just see me as another obstacle in their path?

Then I wonder if people aren’t doing the same thing as ants as they scurry around oblivious to a major source of assistance, to possibilities, to wondrous miracles that could take place in their lives if only they knew the source of help sitting beside them is so huge it’s unfathomable.

And even those who are aware of the source…can they ever comprehend the vastness, the power, the totality of it?

I’m wondering if atheists are the head-to-the-ground worker ants who see nothing but what’s in front of their noses, and agnostics notice the changes in their environment, but aren’t sure what to attribute it to. And each of the various religions are like ants scrambling across various body parts, reporting the world as they see it. But like the blind men and the elephant, they’re missing the whole picture.

Can anyone step back and see the whole? Or are we, like the ants, incapable of viewing, comprehending, grasping the full reality, the wondrous possibilities?