Saddle Up for Adventure

2 08 2015

Her Cold Revenge 9781630790073 web Book 2 of the WANTED series has released. Grace Milton is back in HER COLD REVENGE, ready to do more bounty hunting and search for her family’s killers. Many dangers await, and she’s sidetracked by a chance meeting with Joe. But she’s determined not to let anything derail her plans, but can a sixteen-year-old girl capture outlaws plotting a train robbery? Lasso your copy to find out.

Available at your local bookstore, Indie Bound, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, or Switch Press.

Read more about author Erin Johnson at The Bucket List:

“Her Cold Revenge was as good as the first, if not better.  It was great to be back in the world Erin Johnson created, back in cowboy boots and horseback riding through the Wild West.” ~ Jeanna, The Bucket List

“The second book in the gripping Wanted series, this Western revenge epic is a must-read for teen readers who are fans of relentless action, wild horses and heart-wrenching romance.” ~ YA Books Central

“Typical Western elements combine with the breathy emotions of a traditional romance in this sequel to Grace and the Guiltless.” ~ Kirkus

Her Cold Revenge by Erin Johnson may just be the story that hooks a new generation of readers on the Western genre.” ~ Smart Moms

“I just finished Grace and the Guiltless by Erin Johnson and all I want to do is curl up in a ball and wait till August, the release date for the second book. This book was so amazing that I don’t even want to pick up another book, due to a book hangover.” ~ Sassy ‘n Dangerous